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Nurse Educator | Naturopath | Acupuncturist


A person-centred pragmatic approach to health remains at the forefront of my services.  I strive to integrate evidence based complementary and Western based medicine for the benefit of humankind.  

I am a registered nurse, qualified infection control nurse and nurse educator with extensive experience in operating theatres and qualifications in complementary medicine.  I provide innovative, engaging, practical courses and workshops to private and public healthcare providers and hospitals.  I teach healthcare professionals how to apply the most appropriate, cost efficient and evidence based care for patient wellbeing.  

I also run a private clinic where I practise complementary medicine and treat clients in a holistic, integrated and compassionate manner to improve their health and wellbeing. 

I look forward to being of service to you.

My Values


Evidence Based







​Areas of Practice

Kareen Dunlop

041 99 456 91

26 Peverett Loop

By appointment only

Nursing Education



Herbal Medicine

Flower Essence



News & Publications

Stomach Pain

March 2024

So you have chronic pain and there is no structural reason for it.  Check these two YouTubes out to understand that it may be a neural circuitry issue which can be helped 


March 2024

A meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials with other 2000 patients using St Johns Wort found that treatment with it was better and  had a safer profile  than SSRI's


Feb 2024

Beetroots are wonderful for the liver, improving blood pressure, vascular function and exercise capacity a study has found of adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  

Nov 2023

In this systematic review researchers found that the use moxibustion reduced the severity and frequency of urinary bladder incontinence and over active bladder


Start of the school year

March 2023

Researchers have found that the common sweetner, aspartame raises the risk for anxiety, even two generations down.    Contact me if you suffer from anxiety.


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Dec 2022

In this very interesting research, micro clots have been found in those suffering with long covid and chronic fatigue.  Protelytic enzymes can be used to disolve the fibrin in the clots.  Contact me if you are interested in more information. 



Dec 2022

Does the idea of spending Christmas with lots of people send your gut into overdrive?  Well research agrees.  It was found that even visiting your inlaws decreases all Ruminococcus species, known to be associated with psychological stress and depression  If you need assistance let me know.  



Sept 2022

This research paper showed that the herbal Andrographis modulates immune responses with 200mg  per day showing increases in T cell numbers.  


Covid 19

July 2022

Wondering why some get long covid and others don't.  A research paper shows that those who lose hair when infected are 7 times more likely to get long covid.  Those who suffer with a headache or fatigue are 3 times more likely. 


Covid 19

Mar 2022

Research has shown transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation gives excellent results for not only treating long covid but also for resolving the inflammatory response.  Auricular acupuncture can also be used for chronic fatigue.  


Covid 19

Nov 21

Research is being done on the use of two of the mushroom family (turkey tail and agarikon) to see if it's immune modulating effects assist covid 19 sufferers.  I use a multi-mushroom complex for any immunocompromised patients.  As with any medication it is important to get the dose right and ensure the right constituents.   


Covid 19

Oct 2021

Great to see research published agreeing with my very early statement that Covid 19 is airborne.  This paper is a historical look at how diseases were classified and where we went wrong with Covid.  So important with any new emerging disease to use higher precautions than we think necessary until we figure out how it is transmitted.  


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Oct 2021

Many of my clients ask me how acupuncture works.  Liu et al has just published a paper showing that use of the distal acupuncture point, St 36 in the leg induces an anti-inflammatory response via the vagal adrenal anti-inflammatory pathway.  Further proof that acupuncture works on nerve fibres.

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Sept 2021

In further research acupuncture was found to stimulate the size and number of ovarian follicles in those with premature ovarian failure.  Great to combine for fertility treatment. 

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Sept 2021

Struggling with menopausal symptoms - then add acupuncture to your regime.  Research has found that regular acupuncture reduces hot flashes, sweating and improves mood  by increasing oestrogen and 5-HT.  

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May 2021

In a systematic review of 980 patients acupuncture was found to stimulate natural killer and T cells which is useful when treating patients with cancer

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Feb 2021

Acupuncture is a an effective medical intervention for patients suffering from lower back pain, according to researchers from Harvard Medical School (Boston), Georgetown University (Washington, DC), University of Arizona College of Medicine (Phoenix), and other medical institutions. The findings are based on an evidence-based systematic meta-analysis of numerous clinical trials.

July 2020

Covid 19

Well it has certainly been an interesting year with Covid 19 making it's name known.  I've been teaching Covid to hospital staff in Cambodia via Zoom - a new way of teaching for me.  No doubt you will all be inundated with information on Covid and I hope you are taking good note and keeping up to date with the latest research - namely that it is airborne as well as droplet and contact transmitted!    So in a nutshell keep your distance from other people not within your immediate home living family bubble and if you can't keep more than 2m distant, wear a mask.  Perform hand hygiene after touching anything anyone else has so that you don't touch your face or spread the virus.  Please stay at home if you are unwell, practise respiratory hygiene and keep your bugs to yourself.  If you get sick with it please contact me for some brilliant herbs to help you throw it off.  Don't forget to get tested if you have any form of upper respiratory tract infection. 


June 2019

I'm pleased to announce that following my volunteer teaching in Cambodia the post-operative death rate has been significantly reduced at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital.  So many thanks to all those that have helped me along the way, from nurses Sam Jenaway, Mandy Reberio, Amanda Grauze, ECU nursing students, Australian Orthopaedic Association, Commercial Laundry Solutions, Rotary Clubs Osborne Park and Applecross and donors.  Everyone of you has contributed to their success.  

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