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Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that has stood the test of time, dating back to 3000BC, utilising acupuncture points where nerves, lymphatic and vascular supplies meet.  These are related to various organs, tissues and emotions.  There are hundreds of points that are often tender to touch and have measurable lowered electrical resistance, if related symptomology is present.  They are used as diagnostic as well as therapeutic points. 


Sterile single use needles are inserted in acupuncture points and retained for 20-30 minutes, or in the case of auriculotherapy for up to 7 days.  The needles themselves are very fine, approximately 0.12mm.  Moxibustion using the heat from an artemisia stick can also be applied close to points for example to assist turning a breech baby from weeks 32-36 gestation.  

Acupuncture is an excellent and simple tool for the relief of pain and accelerates healing, such as in muscular and back injuries (for example disc prolapses) to conditions such as a frozen shoulder.  It is also useful for numerous other health issues from obstetric care (morning sickness, preparation for birth, turning a breech baby in weeks 32-36 and IVF), gastrointestinal pain, fibromyalgia to respiratory diseases.  If you are not sure whether acupuncture is the appropriate treatment, call me to discuss your complaint.  If I believe you would be better served by the western medical system or other therapies, I will tell you so.  


As per any person using the term 'acupuncture', I am registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency.   Many clients ask, "what is the difference between dry needling and acupuncture"?  Dry needling is a short course whereby the provider puts acupuncture needles for a period of time in the actual muscle or area of concern.  Acupuncturists undertake a 3 three year degree at minimum and use various traditional chinese medicine techniques (needling, cupping, moxibustion, pressure).  Acupuncturists use both local points and acupuncture points distal to the point of concern to aid healing.  For example, if you had a stiff neck I may use a point in your leg (that influences muscles), hand (that takes pain away from the neck), head (works on any emotional causes) as well as your neck.  I will also retain those needles for up to 30 minutes and angle them in certain directions to allow the chi to balance.  I may also place semi-permanent needles in your ear that you will retain for up to 7 days.  These specific points are located by using an electrical resistance point finder that measures points of lowered resistance in the associated organ.  



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For an appointment please contact me on  

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List of conditions as recommended by the World Health Organisation as having effective evidence for acupuncture treatment

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