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Flower Essences

I use essences produced from West Australian flowers that have been used by the indigenous of our land for eons.  I thank our forbearers for there empirical knowledge that they have generously passed on to us.   


Flower essences are a wonderful tool to aid healing from an emotional level.  They are primarily taken orally as a homeopathic but can also be used with acupuncture and applied topically. 


Individual remedies are made up specifically for each client choosing up to seven of over eighty essences.  For example Ribbon Pea which is used to alleviate fear and nightmares, Starts Spider Orchid to open up communication and Yellow Flag to calm the spirit.  Flower essences though subtle are very powerful and can be used safely in conjunction with western medicine.  

To make an appointment please phone me on 

Black and green flower.jpg

Black Kangaroo Paw - to reduce grief, loss and anger

Image By Alexey Yakovlev - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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