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Integrating Complementary Medicine

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As both, a registered nurse and complementary medicine practitioner, I use patient-centred and evidence-based therapies that are cost effective to improve the well-being of my clients - treating the mind, body and soul.  Initially, a comprehensive consultation will be conducted to establish the root cause of any illness. A number of tools may be discussed to ascertain what works best for the individual.  These will always be taken into consideration together with your current medical regime for the best and safest outcome.  Outcomes will vary dependent on the complexities of your issues and your response to treatment.  



Naturopathy is the study of disease prevention and treatment to promote health and wellbeing of the human body. 



Flower Essence

I use essences produced from West Australian flowers that have been used by the indigenous of our land for eons to aid emotional healing.  



Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that has stood the test of time, dating back to 3000BC, utilising the electrical circuit of the body conducted along the meridians (similar to nerve pathways). 



​Reflexology combines relaxing massage of the feet followed by systematic stimulation of all the reflex points of the foot to create a therapeutic effect on the desired region of the body.  

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicines in various forms have been used in almost every culture of the world for many centuries to aid healing. 



Reiki utilises the bodies inherent ability to heal harnessing the bodies natural electrical field.  


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