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Naturopathy is the study of disease prevention and treatment to promote health and wellbeing of the human body.  It uses predominantly natural agents to aid health such as nutrition, minerals, homeopathic agents, exercise and physical manipulation of tissues such as massage.  

Initial consultations consist of a comprehensive discussion of your current and past medical and family history, allergies, lifestyle, diet, exercise regime, mental status and a thorough examination of each body system.  Your blood pressure, pulse, skin, tongue and iris will be examined.  Laboratory tests such as food sensitives and hormone levels can be ordered if required.  If required a variety of tools will be discussed as measures to improve your health.

I undertook extensive naturopathic, acupuncture and herbal medicine training at the Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine finishing in mid 2000 whilst working fulltime as a staff development nurse educator.  This took great dedication and is a trait that I will use to assist you during your consultation.  

Excerpt from Research on Naturopathic Therapeutics and Practices chapter 6 Naturopathic Federation organisation:

There is strong consensus on the core naturopathic treatments with a typical naturopathic visit generally involving the

prescription, recommendation or use of an average of four different naturopathic therapeutic modalities or practices.
• Naturopathic care is known for its diverse and flexible therapeutic approach to healthcare. It includes the prescription
of internal and topical substances; counselling with respect to diet, lifestyle, and mind-body medicine; naturopathic
physical medicine and other therapies.
• The use of a complex intervention approach to care allows naturopaths/NDs to utilize the synergistic properties of
various treatments and to individualize the treatment of each patient.
• Dietary and nutritional factors are foundational to naturopathic care and herbal medicine is one of the most common
therapies used globally by n


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