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Reiki utilises the bodies inherent ability to heal, harnessing the bodies natural electrical field.  It involves placing the hands either on or above the chakras (major areas of low electrical resistance) as well as areas of injury of the body.  It promotes a deep meditative state and as such is very relaxing.

Reiki is what has led me on my journey of integrative medicine.  I must admit to being highly skeptical of it when I first learned it in 1994.  I would not have continued to use it, if not for not being persuaded to give it a go on a very sick patient we had in hospital the weekend after being introduced to reiki.  With an amazing recovery, my very cynical brain was blown right open realising that there was other methods to heal than what I had been taught as a nurse.   

I have found Reiki a wonderful tool that can be used to enhance healing of injuries such as disc prolapses (along with acupuncture) and great for alleviating grief. 

To make an appointment phone me on 

Reiki Treatment
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